Pediatric Urgent Care Services in Omaha

Providing children’s urgent care services in Omaha helps to meet the unique medical needs of our youngest community members. Midlands Family Urgent Care, a well-known urgent facility in the area, is leading the way in this effort. Committed to creating a child-friendly environment, Midlands Family Urgent Care ensures a dedicated team of professionals with appropriate training is at the forefront, offering prompt and comprehensive medical attention to our little ones.


In this article, we’ll explore the pediatric specialized services provided by Midlands Family Urgent Care in Omaha.


Importance of Children’s Urgent Care Services

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 93.9% of US children visited a doctor or other healthcare professional for medical attention in 2022. This staggering statistic underscores the significance of providing specific care for children, considering the prevalence of their healthcare visits. Moreover, having specialized care is crucial as children are not “small adults.” Their physiology differs significantly from that of adults; hence, their approach to treatment also needs to be different. 

Child getting looked at by doctor

Urgent care facilities, like Midlands, are staffed by healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants who have experience dealing with pediatric patients. Professionals who are comfortable treating children ensure a more effective and tailored approach to their care.


Children’s Urgent Care Services in Omaha 


Immediate Injury Treatment 

Midlands Family Urgent Care stands out as a reliable healthcare provider when addressing immediate injuries in children. Our facility is well-prepared to treat various injuries that young ones may encounter during active play. Whether it’s fractures, sprains, or cuts, our experienced medical team is equipped to provide quick response and effective care. We understand the specific needs of children and ensure a child-friendly approach to make the visit as comfortable as possible.


Illness and Infection Care 

Beyond injuries, our facility is also well-equipped to handle various sick visit issues that cannot wait for a scheduled appointment, such as flu, colds, and ear infections. Our medical team employs a comprehensive approach to illnesses. From accurate diagnosis to personalized treatment plans, we prioritize the health and comfort of our young patients. 

Kid talking to doctor behind glass pane

Diagnostic Services 

In addition to immediate injury and illness care, we provide comprehensive diagnostic services to aid in accurate and timely diagnosis. Our facility has state-of-the-art laboratory testing capabilities, including various types of blood work. Moreover, in the wake of the recent pandemic, the availability of rapid testing to differentiate cold, flu, and COVID-19 enables us to provide quick and reliable results, facilitating prompt decision-making for the child’s healthcare. 


Children’s Preventative Health Services 

Preventative health services, such as vaccinations and routine check-ups, are essential for maintaining the well-being of children. At Midlands, we recognize the vital role of these proactive measures in establishing a strong and lasting basis for the health of our young patients.


Vaccinations and Immunizations 

A cornerstone of preventative health, vaccinations and immunizations, stand as powerful shields against a spectrum of illnesses. It is crucial to keep children’s vaccinations up to date to provide them with robust protection, prevent disease outbreaks, and promote community well-being through herd immunity. 


By following the recommended vaccination schedule from the CDC and checking in regularly with healthcare professionals at our facility, parents or caregivers can stay informed about their child’s vaccination status and upcoming immunization needs. 


Pediatric Routine Check-Ups 

Regular check-ups for children provide opportunities to monitor physical and developmental milestones. These monitoring are about identifying potential health issues early on and empowering parents with valuable insights into their child’s overall health. Through collaborative efforts with healthcare providers, parents can actively promote healthy habits, ensure optimal nutrition, and promptly address any concerns.


Friendly Environment and Staff

Midlands Family Urgent Care takes pride in providing our young patients with a warm, child-friendly environment. Our facilities are designed with vibrant and playful decor, creating a welcoming space to ease potential anxiety. The trained pediatric staff at Midlands are experts in addressing the unique needs of children. Beyond their medical expertise, our staff is dedicated to offering compassionate and reassuring care, ensuring a comfortable experience for every child.


Additionally, we understand the importance of convenience for families. With multiple locations across Omaha, we aim to ensure easy access to quality healthcare. Whether your child requires urgent care services for a minor injury or illness or a routine check-up, our strategically located facilities are available seven days a week, 365 days a year.  


End Note 

Midlands Family Urgent Care in Omaha provides a dedicated pediatric approach to urgent and preventative healthcare needs. From immediate injury treatments to illness and infection care, diagnostic services, and preventive health measures, our comprehensive medical services delivered by specialized staff in child-friendly facilities ensure children are in the most capable hands. By choosing urgent care tailored specifically for kids, parents can rest assured knowing their child’s unique needs are being met.


If your child needs immediate attention or regular check-ups, don’t hesitate to schedule a visit or walk-in to Midlands Family Urgent Care in Omaha.

Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

First Aid Basics: What Every Home Should Have

First aid is an emergency response, typically involving simple, life-saving techniques that most people can train to execute with minimal equipment and no previous medical experience. It is essential knowledge for everyone, as emergencies can happen unexpectedly at any time. Having a well-equipped first aid kit at home is a crucial step that enables someone to provide early treatment before seeking professional medical assistance.

In this guide, we will outline the fundamental components of a home first aid kit, additional items recommended by professionals, and specialized considerations for different household needs.


Essential First Aid Kit Contents

First aid basics begin with assembling a comprehensive first aid kit. According to the American Red Cross, an ideal first aid kit should also include absorbent compress dressings, adhesive bandages, adhesive cloth tape, antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each), antiseptic wipe packets, aspirin, emergency blanket, breathing barrier (with a one-way valve), pairs of non-latex gloves (size: large), hydrocortisone ointment, gauze roll (roller) bandage, a roller bandage, sterile gauze pads, sterile gauze pads, triangular bandages, and tweezers. 

Picture of basics that should be in first aid kit such as gloves, scissors, alcohol prep wipes etc.

These items are crucial for addressing minor injuries and wounds effectively. Additionally, Midlands professionals recommend including a thermometer and instant cold packs in your kit. A thermometer helps monitor body temperature, while cold packs can be invaluable for treating sprains and strains or reducing swelling.


Specialized Items for Your Kit

Customizing your first aid kit to meet the specific health needs of your household is another crucial aspect of first aid basics. Consider including medications and supplies for chronic conditions that family members may have. These supplies could include prescription medications, inhalers, seizure medications, or EpiPens for individuals with allergies. 

If you find yourself in a situation where first aid kits are not readily available, Midlands offers a customized first aid service to address minor injuries, burns, mild illnesses, and more. This service is designed to meet your household’s unique health requirements every day without needing an appointment. 


Proper Use of First Aid Supplies

Knowing how to use the items in your first aid kit is as important as having them. Simple instructions for first aid basics can make a significant difference in emergencies. Learn practical skills, such as applying bandages and controlling bleeding, performing CPR, and using any specialized items in your kit. Remember, you are the help until help arrives. 

However, it is crucial to recognize the limits of first aid. Limitations include severe injuries such as deep cuts or fractures, persistent and severe chest pain, difficulty breathing, sudden confusion, uncontrolled bleeding, severe burns, and any condition where a person is unconscious or not responsive. In these cases, seeking help promptly by contacting emergency services or visiting the nearest urgent care facility is imperative.


Maintaining Your First Aid Kit

Maintaining your first aid kit is a crucial aspect of first aid basics. Check expiration dates on medications and supplies, and replace anything old or used up. Ensure that all contents are in good condition and that nothing has been damaged. Throw away any supplies that change color, texture, or smell, even if they have not expired. 

Picture of a full first aid kit

Proper storage is also vital to preserve the effectiveness of the items. Many individuals keep their first aid kits or medications in a bathroom cabinet. However, the heat and moisture from showers, baths, and sinks can decrease medication’s potency or result in them spoiling before the expiration date. So, keep your kit in a cool, dry place, and periodically review its contents to make any necessary updates.


Digital Resources for First Aid

In the age of technology, first aid basics extend beyond physical supplies. Various apps and online resources are designed to offer quick and accessible information, empowering individuals to respond effectively to emergencies. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) offers comprehensive guidance on their website, and they also provide a first aid application that can be a valuable tool in emergencies. 

Midlands goes beyond traditional first aid support by providing accessible online resources and telehealth services. Our services enable individuals to consult with medical professionals remotely, ensuring timely guidance for conditions requiring first-aid response or other non-emergency situations. By connecting virtually with our medical professional, you can receive prescriptions and referrals electronically if needed and benefit from follow-up appointments for continuous care.


Children’s First Aid

When it comes to children, first aid basics take on a specific dimension. ​​ Ensure your first aid kit includes child-sized bandages, liquid pain relievers suitable for their age, and items designed for common childhood injuries. Another thing to consider is to balance accessibility for adults and safety for children in ensuring the effectiveness of your home first aid kit.

Picture of woman spraying medical spray on a girls ankle

Every year, around 35,000 young children end up in the emergency room after they get access to medicines by themselves or experience dosage errors made by adults. To avoid it, carefully read the dosage instructions to ensure safe and effective administration, childproof your household’s first-aid kit, and put it in a secure location to prevent accidental ingestion or misuse. 


End Note

Understanding and implementing first aid basics is a responsibility that every household should prioritize. A well-prepared first aid kit, customized to your family’s needs, can make a significant difference in emergencies. Remember, the goal is not only to have a first aid kit but to know how to use it effectively.

However, if you need prompt medical assistance or guidance, don’t hesitate to visit Midlands Urgent Care. Our team is here to ensure your health and safety are top priorities.

Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

Holiday Health and Safety Tips

As the festive season approaches, the joy and excitement of the holidays often come hand in hand with stress and health concerns. The hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, coupled with the challenges of travel, cold weather, and changes in routine, can take a toll on mental and physical well-being. 

This guide will explore practical holiday health and safety tips, addressing critical aspects such as staying happy, healthy, and injury-free this holiday season.


Navigating Holiday Stress

The holiday season, while filled with celebration, can bring stress and anxiety. Stress can show up in different ways, whether it’s the pressure of hosting a gathering, dealing with travel, or feeling sad about leaving pets at home. 

The first step to staying on top of your holiday health and safety is recognizing and understanding these stressors. It is okay to feel overwhelmed, and taking steps to manage stress is essential.

Woman sitting at desk with her hands on her head in stress

Managing holiday stress is vital to maintaining mental and physical health. Simple things, like exercising, getting enough sleep, and making realistic to-do lists, can help. You can also create a routine that includes things you like doing, such as reading, listening to music, or practicing mindfulness. However, if you still feel down, talking to a professional is a good idea. 


Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

The holidays are full of tasty foods and drinks at parties and gatherings. While enjoying these treats is okay, being mindful of what you eat for your holiday health and safety is crucial. Some common challenges include eating too many sugary treats, having too much alcohol, and not getting the nutrients or water your body needs.

To keep a healthy balance in your diet during the holidays, try not to go overboard. Put colorful fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains on your plate. Choose healthier cooking methods like roasting or grilling, and think about lighter options for traditional dishes. 

Also, remember to drink enough water or other fluids. Staying hydrated is essential, especially during festive times. By making thoughtful choices and keeping yourself hydrated, you can have a tasty and health-conscious holiday feast.


Keeping Active in the Colder Weather

The colder weather during the holidays can make it tricky to stay active, resulting in a more sedentary lifestyle. However, regular activity remains crucial for physical and mental health, even when it’s chilly outside. 

Try indoor exercises, such as home workout videos or fitness classes, to stay warm and cozy during the colder months. Another fun option is to do winter sports or family-friendly activities like ice skating or sledding that turn the cold season into an opportunity for fun and fitness. If you decide to go outside, dress in layers to stay warm and protect yourself from the cold. 

Woman with her kids showing them how to ice skate

Traveling Safely

Whether traveling near or far, maintaining holiday health and safety is critical. In the era of COVID-19, it’s essential to stay informed about vaccination guidelines and adhere to recommended safety measures according to the WHO or country you’re visiting. Also, prioritize road safety by ensuring your vehicle is in good condition and adhering to traffic regulations when traveling by road.

Pack a travel health kit containing essential items such as medications, first aid supplies, and personal hygiene products to address unexpected health needs. For those with chronic conditions, pack enough prescribed medicines for your trip and carry a list of medications and dosage instructions for emergencies. Include over-the-counter medicines like pain relievers, antacids, and motion sickness pills in your travel health kit for minor health issues during the journey.


Preventing Illness

Holiday gatherings substantially increase the risks of transmitting or catching contagious illnesses. Simple yet effective practices, such as frequent handwashing or avoiding touching the face, can significantly reduce the risk of flu. Also, consider getting an annual flu shot or other vaccines at Midlands Urgent Care to add an extra layer of protection for yourself and others.

If you feel unwell during the holidays, remember to prioritize rest and seek medical attention promptly. Midlands Urgent Care is here to provide sick visit care with no appointment needed, offering professional healthcare support to ensure you recover swiftly and enjoy the season to its fullest.

Man laying down on bed sleeping

Learn more about other vaccines recommended by the CDC for specific destinations or countries you are visiting.


End Note

Holidays are meant for celebration and enjoyment, but it is common for people to forget to prioritize their well-being amid festivities. Finding a good balance between treating yourself and taking care of your holiday health and safety is important. Making good choices around stress levels, food, exercise, illness prevention, and travel plans can help ensure you are at your best through this holiday season.

If you do get sick or need medical help, healthcare professionals at Midlands Urgent Care are here to help you get back on your feet so you can continue your holiday fun. We are ready 24/7 without an appointment!

Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

Making the Most of Urgent Care Sick Visits

Among the various services, an urgent care facility provides, “urgent care sick visits” are essential. Urgent care visits offer a convenient option for timely medical care for illnesses and injuries requiring prompt attention but not emergencies. When used appropriately, urgent care sick visits can provide many benefits over an emergency room or primary care physician’s office.

This article dives into the advantages of urgent care sick visits, shares practical tips for a smooth visit, and sheds light on additional services available at an urgent care facility like Midlands Family Urgent Care.


What Constitutes ‘Sick Visits’ in Urgent Care?

Urgent care sick visits cover non-life-threatening medical issues that demand immediate attention. These visits address acute problems such as infections, minor injuries, and other illnesses that may not be severe enough for emergency room care but cannot wait for a scheduled appointment. Common ailments treated during urgent care sick visits encompass respiratory infections like colds, strep throat, urinary tract infections, and minor injuries like cuts and sprains.


The Advantages of Urgent Care Sick Visits

Urgent care visits offer benefits over the traditional healthcare landscape, such as: 


1. Timely Medical Attention


One of the standout advantages of urgent care sick visits is the emphasis on timely medical attention. In contrast to conventional primary care offices’ rigid schedules, urgent care centers can be accessed on a walk-in basis. This immediate accessibility is particularly valuable for those unable to wait for a scheduled appointment or need assistance beyond regular office hours.

Picture of doctor showing patient information on an ipad


Extended Operating Hours

Most urgent care centers operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ensuring continuous medical access when primary physicians’ offices are closed. This flexibility ensures that people can seek medical attention after work or school hours or during holidays when traditional healthcare settings may be closed. The extended hours accommodate the unpredictability of health issues, providing a convenient alternative to conventional office hours.



Compared to emergency room visits, urgent care is more cost-effective. This affordability makes urgent care a smart choice for those without insurance or seeking to minimize out-of-pocket expenses.


Comprehensive Care

Urgent care services go beyond addressing immediate illnesses and injuries by providing comprehensive care. From diagnostic tests to sports physicals and weight loss treatments, urgent care covers a broad spectrum of health needs.


4 Tips to Ensure a Smooth Urgent Care Visit

1. Know What to Bring

Make your urgent care sick visit smoother by coming prepared. Bring your identification, insurance details, and a list of your current medications. Also, for minors, bring proof of guardianship. This simple step speeds up the check-in process and ensures the medical staff has all the information they need to provide efficient care.


2. Be Clear About Your Symptoms

When meeting with healthcare professionals during your urgent care visit, clearly communicate your symptoms. Share information about when your symptoms first appeared, their severity, and any factors that might worsen or alleviate them. Clear communication is crucial for accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment.

Man sitting on edge of bed holding his head

3. Follow up When Necessary

After your urgent care sick visit, follow up as needed. If prescribed medications, take them as directed, and if symptoms persist or worsen, do not hesitate to follow up by seeking additional medical attention. 


4. Utilize Online Tools

Take advantage of online tools offered by urgent care centers, such as virtual visits or appointment scheduling. These tools can help you save time and minimize wait times at the facility. Also, you can access many informative articles on your urgent care’s website to stay well-informed about your health.


Beyond Sick Visits: Other Services at Midlands Family Urgent Care

Injury Treatments

In addition to sick visits, Midlands Family Urgent Care offers services for treating injuries such as fractures, sprains, and minor lacerations. The experienced medical staff can assess and provide appropriate care for a variety of injuries.


Lab Work

For diagnostic purposes, Midlands Family Urgent Care offers on-site lab work services. This lab work allows for quick and accurate testing, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of your health condition.


Rapid Testing (COVID-19 flu, etc.)

Given the challenges distinguishing symptoms between colds, flu, and COVID-19, rapid testing at urgent care centers becomes even more essential for accurate and timely diagnosis. These tests play a key role in promptly identifying and treating these conditions.


Sports Physicals

Midlands Family Urgent Care also offers sports physicals for those who participated in sports. These assessments guarantee that athletes are in good health and fit to engage in their chosen sports.


End Note

Choosing urgent care sick visits is not just about convenience; it is a practical approach to timely and efficient healthcare. These visits bridge the gap between emergencies and scheduled appointments, offering swift attention when needed. 


If you need an urgent care sick visit or any other comprehensive services, visit Midlands Family Urgent Care directly or virtually for timely attention and a holistic approach to your well-being!

Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

When to Visit Urgent Care: Its Importance in Modern Healthcare


Deciding when to visit an urgent care versus the emergency room or seeing a primary care physician is critical to getting timely, quality care. The process involves assessing symptoms, considering urgency, and weighing available healthcare options. 

This article explores the rise of urgent care in bridging the gap between primary care and emergency room (ER) services, the factors influencing the decision when to visit urgent care, its benefits, and the limitations individuals should be aware of.


The Rise of Urgent Care in Modern Healthcare

Female doctor checking female patients heart beat

Urgent care clinics have become popular recently, filling a critical healthcare gap between primary care providers and emergency rooms. 

Primary care offices are not always equipped to handle same-day appointments or after-hours needs. In contrast, emergency rooms focus on life-threatening injuries and illnesses and often have long wait times. Urgent care fills this void by providing walk-in appointments and after-hours care for non-life-threatening conditions that still require timely treatment. The accessibility and convenience of urgent care make it an appealing option for many common illnesses and injuries.


Deciding When To Visit Urgent Care


1. Non-life-threatening situations

Knowing when to visit urgent care is essential, especially in non-life-threatening situations. Minor illnesses such as colds or flu, urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and common injuries like minor cuts and bruises can be effectively treated at urgent care centers. These facilities are equipped to tackle a wide range of medical issues promptly, providing a quicker alternative to scheduling an appointment with a primary care physician.


2. After-hours primary care needs

When primary care offices are closed, and waiting until the next business day is not an option, urgent care becomes a convenient choice. Urgent care centers operate during extended hours to cater to after-hours primary care needs, whether a sudden cold, persistent cough, or other acute but non-emergency conditions.


Doctor looking down at ipad 3. Minor injuries and ailments 

In cases of minor injuries and ailments such as sprains, minor burns, or allergies, urgent care is an excellent option. These centers offer immediate attention and care without the prolonged wait times often associated with emergency rooms. Unlike emergency rooms with long wait times, urgent care ensures a quicker resolution and relief for the patient.

4. Routine medical services 

Urgent care goes beyond just helping with urgent issues; it also covers routine medical services. Whether you need regular check-ups, vaccinations, or other preventive care, urgent care centers have you covered. This flexibility makes urgent care a convenient choice for various healthcare needs.


Benefits of Visiting Urgent Care

Faster service: In considering when to visit urgent care, remember that quick service is one of its primary benefits. Patients can easily walk in without an appointment and receive timely medical attention. This speed is beneficial if you have minor illnesses or injuries and need care immediately. 

Cost-effective: Visiting urgent care is often more cost-effective than going to an emergency room for non-life-threatening situations. With lower copays and fees, urgent care provides an affordable alternative without compromising the quality of care.

Accessibility and convenience: Urgent care centers are conveniently placed in communities for easy access. With extended hours, including evenings and weekends, patients can get medical help without interrupting their daily schedule. This accessibility and convenience make urgent care a practical and user-friendly choice for many people.

Comprehensive care: Urgent care centers offer comprehensive care beyond treating acute illnesses and injuries. They provide various services, including diagnostic tests, sick visits, and sports physicals. This holistic approach contributes to the overall well-being of patients.


doctor checking a patients heart beat

Knowing the Limitations: When NOT to Visit Urgent Care

Urgent care is a valuable resource but is not always the go-to for every situation. Life-threatening emergencies, such as heart attacks or severe injuries, require immediate attention at an emergency room or by calling 911. Urgent care is not equipped for these critical situations.

Moreover, individuals with long-term chronic conditions are better served by a primary physician who can provide ongoing and specialized care. So, be aware of when to visit urgent care and when to visit others, like the ER or primary care physician. 


Midlands Family Urgent Care: Committed to Accessible and Quality Healthcare


At Midlands Family Urgent Care, our team is committed to providing accessible and good quality healthcare to the community. Our dedication is exemplified through: 


Trained medical professionals: Midlands Family Urgent Care is staffed with skilled and experienced medical professionals, ensuring patients receive the highest quality care. 

Modern facilities: Our center utilizes the latest technology and equipment to give accurate diagnoses and effective treatments in a comfortable environment.

Patient-centric: Putting patients first is our core principle. The focus on patient-centric care ensures that individuals feel heard, respected, and well-cared for during their visit. This commitment extends to every aspect of the urgent care experience. We want you and your family to feel happy and healthy!


Family all holding hands walking together on sidewalk

End Note

As urgent care continues to play an expanding role in the healthcare system, understanding when to visit urgent care versus when to call the primary care office or go to the emergency room is key to getting the proper care at the right place. Urgent care fills a significant gap, providing timely, affordable, and professional care for most common injuries and illnesses. 

If you have decided when to visit urgent care, do not hesitate to take the next step. Schedule your visit now and experience accessible, quality healthcare at Midlands Family Urgent Care.


Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

Can You Get A Checkup At Urgent Care?

Urgent care centers have long been associated with swift responses to immediate medical issues, offering a middle ground between the emergency room and scheduled visits to a primary care physician (PCP). However, a transformative shift is underway. Urgent care centers are redefining their role, extending beyond urgent needs to become comprehensive destinations for routine checkups.


If this shift challenges what you thought you knew and makes you wonder, “Can you get a checkup at urgent care?” You are not alone. Here, we will guide you through the changing dynamics and shed light on the possibility of receiving comprehensive checkups at urgent care facilities.


Can you get a checkup at Urgent Care?


The Changing Landscape of Healthcare

Traditionally, urgent care centers were seen as quick-fix solutions for urgent medical problems. These facilities differ from the emergency room in that they cater to patients seeking immediate attention for issues that are not dire enough for the emergency room but require more prompt care than a scheduled visit to a PCP. 


However, this perception is transforming as urgent care centers, like the Midlands, embrace a more proactive approach to healthcare. These centers now answer the question, “Can you get a checkup at urgent care?” by becoming one-stop destinations for routine checkups, offering a bridge between episodic care and the continuity of primary care. 


Midlands Family Urgent Care acknowledges the need for holistic health care that addresses immediate concerns and proactive wellness.


The Benefits of Getting a Checkup at Urgent Care

1. Accessibility

One of the standout advantages of opting for a checkup at urgent care is accessibility. Urgent care centers are strategically located, often in convenient neighborhood settings, making them easily reachable for routine visits. This convenience eliminates the barriers associated with scheduling appointments far in advance, making it more straightforward for individuals to prioritize their health.

2. Shorter Wait Times

Urgent care centers are renowned for their efficiency, which also extends to checkups. Unlike primary care offices, where scheduling conflicts can lead to prolonged wait times, urgent care centers like Midlands pride themselves on prompt service. This quick service means you spend less time in the waiting room and more time with a healthcare professional addressing your health concerns.

People sitting in a waiting room at a doctor's office

3. Flexibility

The flexibility of urgent care checkups is a game-changer. Traditional healthcare settings may have rigid schedules, limiting the options for when you can seek medical attention. Urgent care centers, on the other hand, often operate extended hours, including evenings and weekends. This flexibility accommodates individuals with busy lifestyles, ensuring that health checkups can be seamlessly integrated into their schedules.


Combining Urgent Care and Primary Care

One of the features of centers like Midlands is their ability to collaborate with primary care physicians. This collaboration ensures cohesive patient care, bridging the gap between episodic urgent care visits and the continuity provided by a PCP. Midlands, in particular, emphasizes the importance of working together with a patient’s existing healthcare team to provide a comprehensive and well-coordinated approach to wellness.


If an urgent care checkup identifies a need for specialized care, Midlands can seamlessly facilitate referrals. This referral ensures that patients are returned to their primary care physicians or specialists for further evaluation and ongoing management. This interconnected approach keeps the continuity of care, creating a healthcare ecosystem where urgent care and primary care complement each other.

Picture of Urgent Care building from the outside

When is an Urgent Care Checkup Ideal?

Urgent care checkups become particularly beneficial when individuals are in the gap between regular appointments with their primary care physicians. This interim period is often when minor health concerns may arise, and urgent care can address these issues promptly, preventing them from escalating into more significant problems.


Also, for those new to an area and have yet to establish a relationship with a primary care provider, urgent care is a readily available option for routine checkups. This availability helps newcomers stay on top of their health and provides a gateway for them to explore and establish a more permanent healthcare connection.


Last but not least, urgent care checkups are ideal for addressing immediate health concerns. Whether it’s a sudden injury or a common flu, urgent care centers like Midlands are equipped to provide swift and efficient care without needing an appointment.


End Note

In conclusion, the answer to the question, “Can you get a checkup at urgent care?” is a resounding yes. The evolving nature of healthcare, exemplified by progressive centers like the Midlands Family Urgent Care, reshapes our expectations. As we redefine the role of urgent care in our lives, it’s reassuring to know that a comprehensive checkup is just as accessible as immediate care. So, for those searching for a healthcare solution that values proactivity, we assure you that you can get a checkup at urgent care.


Don’t wait for tomorrow to prioritize your health! Wonder how you can get an urgent care checkup without waiting in line? Simple – reserve your spot now and take the first step towards a healthier you.


Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!


What is the Difference Between a Cold, the Flu, Allergies, and COVID-19, and How Can Urgent Care Help?


Do you have symptoms that could be connected to the flu or an allergy? Or COVID-19? Maybe it’s just a simple cold! It’s hard to know exactly what issue you may be facing as many of these symptoms are the same. However, there are some more discreet differences and fortunately Urgent Care can help!


According to the CDC, adults in the US experience an average of 2-3 colds per year, while children may have as many as 6-8. On the other hand, allergies are a year-round concern, with an estimated 50 million Americans experiencing them. The flu is generally a lot more serious, but not as frequently caught, with the average person experiencing it up to two times every ten years


Colds and seasonal allergies affect the respiratory system, but the two are very different. Allergies result from an overactive immune response to the allergen, which can be harmless substances like pollen or dust. On the contrary, colds, the flu, and COVID-19 are caused by a viral infection.


Due to their impact on the same system, these four conditions can exhibit similar symptoms, such as sneezing, coughing, and runny nose, which makes it challenging to differentiate between them. 


Distinguishing between these four is crucial for selecting the appropriate treatment and managing the condition effectively. Keep reading to learn the difference between a cold, the flu, allergies, and COVID-19.



Difference Between a Cold, the Flu, Allergies, and COVID-19:

Person laying on couch in living area with blanket over top of them

Duration of Symptoms


One of the most significant ways to tell the difference between a cold, the flu, allergies, and COVID-19  is the duration of symptoms. For example, a cold typically lasts 7-10 days, the flu lasts 5-7 days, and COVID-19 symptoms can persist for weeks, but allergies can last for weeks or months, especially when it comes to seasonal allergies.


Severity of Symptoms 


One key difference is that the flu and COVID-19 can cause aches, pains, and fever, while allergies and the cold typically do not. Allergies usually cause more sneezing, itching, runny nose, and itchy red watery eyes, whereas a cold may leave you with a cough, runny nose, and a sore throat. 


The common cold also tends to produce thicker, discolored mucus, whereas allergies typically result in clear, thin, watery mucus. 


Time of Year


Colds, flu, and COVID-19 happen more in the winter because these viruses thrive in cold environments. As we spend more time indoors, the virus is able to survive longer and be passed around easily.


Allergies can happen in the spring/summer or during seasonal changes when trees, grasses, and weeds release environmental allergens, such as pollen. In addition, seasonal changes can also lead to changes in humidity, temperature, and air quality, which can aggravate allergies by allowing the growth of specific allergens, such as mold.



Is Cold Medicine Helping?

Man sitting on couch looking at medicine, glass of water, and thermometer sitting on desk

Cold medicine is not specifically designed to treat allergies. Although some symptoms of cold and allergies are similar, such as sneezing and runny nose, the underlying causes differ.


Cold medicine is typically intended to alleviate the symptoms of a cold, such as congestion, cough, and sore throat. These medicines may contain ingredients, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and pain relievers, which can relieve some of the symptoms that also occur with allergies. 


If you are experiencing allergy symptoms, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the best course of treatment. They may recommend a specific measure, such as avoiding allergens, or allergy-specific medication, such as antihistamines, nasal corticosteroids, or decongestants. 


They may also recommend allergen immunotherapy or allergy shots for severe allergies or not completely resolved by other treatments.


How can Urgent Care help?

Picture from ground of Urgent Care building

Urgent Care facilities like Midlands Family Urgent Care are a useful resource for getting you back to your healthy self! Here are some of the key ways they can help:


Assessment and Diagnosis 

Urgent care centers have medical professionals who can evaluate you and can help you tell the difference between a cold, the flu, allergies, or COVID-19 symptoms.



Urgent care facilities often offer various diagnostic tests, including rapid antigen tests or molecular tests (such as PCR tests) to check for COVID-19 and the flu. They can perform the necessary swabs or collect samples to help identify the specific cause of your symptoms.



Depending on the diagnosis, urgent care providers can recommend appropriate treatment options. These may include a combination of over-the-counter medication to help with symptoms to prescribed medications for more severe symptoms.



If your condition requires more specialized care, urgent care centers can refer you to appropriate healthcare providers, such as primary care physicians, specialists, or hospitals, depending on your needs.


End Note


We hope these key indicators will help you tell the difference between a cold, the flu, allergies, or COVID-19.To receive the most suitable treatment, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional, like at Midlands Family Urgent Care.


If you are currently experiencing any symptoms, do not hesitate to seek additional help. Reach out to Midlands Family Urgent Care today for extra assistance and support in managing your symptoms.

Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

What are The Differences Between ER and Urgent Care?

Experiencing sudden chest pain or sleepless nights due to an earache can be daunting, and it’s natural to feel unsure whether to visit an emergency room (ER) or an urgent care center. This confusion is common, and it’s essential to understand the differences between the two facilities.

To make an informed decision, learning about the differences between an ER and urgent care is important. Continue reading the article below to gain a better understanding.

The Differences Between ER and Urgent Care

What is an ER?

An emergency room (ER), or an emergency department (ED), is a medical facility designed to provide immediate and urgent care to patients with acute medical conditions or injuries requiring close attention.

ER is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and fully staffed by specially trained medical professionals, such as emergency physicians, and nurses that are equipped with a wide range of medical equipment and supplies to save lives in the immediate.

Patients are typically triaged upon arrival and receive immediate attention. Patients may be treated and released, admitted to the hospital for further care, or transferred to another facility if necessary.

What is an Urgent Care Center?

An urgent care center is a medical facility that provides walk-in medical care for patients with non-life-threatening illnesses. Typically, an urgent is a community medical facility outside a traditional hospital-based or emergency room (ER).

Most urgent care centers are open 7 days a week and available outside of regular business hours. Some centers are even open on holidays. This makes them a convenient option, especially when primary clinics or physician offices may be closed. Similar to an ER, an urgent care center is staffed by a team of medical professionals trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of non-life threatening medical conditions, such as physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and other support staff.

Examples of What You Would Go to ER and Urgent Care For

Deciding whether to go to an ER or an urgent care center depends on the severity of your medical condition.

According to UChicago Medicine, here are some examples of situations where you should go to an emergency room:

  • Chest pain or pressure: this could be a sign of a heart attack or other cardiac condition. Do not think twice. Go to the ER immediately.
  • Difficulty breathing: this could be a sign of a serious respiratory condition.
  • Severe or persistent abdominal pain: this could be a sign of a serious medical condition, including appendicitis (right lower abdominal pain), kidney stones, and other abdominal conditions.
  • Severe headache: if this condition is accompanied by a loss of consciousness, nausea, or vomiting, increased intracranial pressure is suspected.

On the other hand, here are some examples of situations where you might attend an urgent care center:

  • Minor injuries include sprains, strains, or small cuts requiring stitches.
  • Common respiratory tract infections include cold, flu, and strep throat.
  • Eye infections or minor injuries.
  • Minor burns or sunburns.
  • Urinary tract infections or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Mild allergic reactions, such as rashes, hives, or mild swelling.
  • Minor skin conditions, such as acne, dermatitis, or eczema.
  • Mild asthma attacks.


The Services Midlands Urgent Care Offers

Midlands Urgent Care fills the gap between an ER and doctor’s offices by offering immediate care for urgent non-life threatening conditions 7 days a week with no appointment needed.

Our services include:

  • Minor illnesses treatment
  • Injuries and burns treatment
  • Lab and drug testing
  • Sports physical therapy
  • Respiratory tract infections
  • X-rays
  • STI/STD and UTI treatment.

If you would like to like to learn more about our services in-depth, please click here.

End Note

An ER is a medical facility designed to provide immediate care to patients with life-threatening conditions or injuries that require prompt attention. In contrast, an urgent care center is a medical facility that offers walk-in medical care for patients with non-life-threatening illnesses that need to be addressed in a timely manner.

It’s important to note that urgent care centers are not a substitute for emergency care as they don’t have the same equipment or trained staff as an ER. However, they are a reliable option for minor injuries or illnesses that cannot wait until tomorrow.

Our Omaha-based medical professionals at Midlands Family Urgent Care provide a variety of healthcare services ranging from sick visits to walk-in sports physicals. To learn more about Midlands Family Urgent Care, please contact us today!


Visit Midlands Urgent Care Today!

Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog post is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any reliance you place on the information presented in this blog post is therefore strictly at your own risk.

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or treatment. The author and publisher of this blog post make no representation or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability with respect to the information contained in this blog post for any purpose.

In no event will the author or publisher be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from the use of or reliance on the information presented in this blog post.


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